Sunday, December 27, 2009

The puzzle.....

I was having a chat with a friend yesterday and I thought to myself how do you actually categorise people into good and bad. After all there is good in all of us and so is the case with bad (or atleast thts what we have been taught). And after a lil consideration I basically came to this conclusion more for self help than anything else but whatever. So it's like a picture or a puzzle. There are pieces in us too. So there are elements of good and bad and sometimes they are so dominating that we deem that person as either good or bad. Basically its about having a few pieces of the puzzle and being the puzzle outright. HAving elements of bad is okay , acceptable but when that "badness" overshadows you , your faults are all that is visible I guess you become a bad person. Most of all its about the extent to which you can go to achieve your desires or motives and hurt other people. That is the deciding factor for me. I've made plenty of mistakes , sure have hurt so many people but there comes a point where a line is drawn , where your conscience stops you from doing something , your heart beats wildly and you know that after doing this you will no longer be the same person , ever again. But sometimes we are even willing to cross that line and that is when we embark on a journey to hell. We keep on finding more and more pieces of the puzzle and end up capturing that clear persona of a 'BAD' person....

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