Monday, February 8, 2010

Leave me alone!!!!

No I ain;t askin anyone to go away but rather the thots which have invaded my mind and now seem to refuse to leave me alone. I've lost all calm , especially when everyone goes off to bed i get attacked by an army of questions which i've no clue how to answer and so I can't sleep...
The worst part hoever is that i don't know a way outta this. Alright so lemme elaborate a bit. There is something I want really bad , somethin which belongs to me but which i've left behind. Now its entirely upto someone else to return it or vanish away. I'm trying to get that person to understand my situation , how much the stuff means to me but m not sure if tht's any good. At times I feel a slight ray of hope , like maybe there is a chance i'll be able to lay my hands on it again but then I don't get any response from the other side n all my hopes n crushed to ashes. M walking on a thin rope here. When my optimism is on my side i feel like i'll be able to get to the other end but then i feel the rope tearing and my heart skips a beat. I try not to look down and get nervous but in vain. Can't help it. I've lost my peace. Dunno what will happen. If i'll be able to pull thru or if i'll fall off. Either way m at the worst stage right now where i've nothing but oblivion. M praying to god to help me coz i really need it and m hopin against hope tht a lil magic will happen and everythin will fall into its place. Till then I shall sit( n not sleep!) and wait for sm good news........

1 comment:

Lou said...

sometimes you are so afraid of falling off the rope that you don't even realize you can fly all by yourself...

p.s. it kinda hurts my eyes to read white on black… just saying…